Aromatherapy: Eucalyptus For Winter Health

This is One of the Most Important Essential Oils in Aromatherapy and is Especially Important During the Cold and Flu Season to Boost Your Immunity!

Interesting Facts: There are more than 500 varieties of eucalyptus trees in Australia around 15 of these are made into essential oils. The trees grow up to 300 feet tall. Eucalyptus is one of the strongest natural antiseptics. In Australia it’s known as Gully Gum or gum trees. A blue haze rises from the mountains in the Australian bush where the trees grow prolifically. The haze is so obvious that the mountains were named the “Blue Mountains”. The haze is caused by droplets of essential oil that fill the air with fragrance. Unfortunately because of the volatility of the oil it increases the fire hazard as well.

Koalas and gliders are the only mammals which can tolerate the toxins in eucalyptus leaves. A Koala baby called a joey feeds on milk first for around 6 months then it has to develop a tolerance for and the ability to digest the toxins in eucalyptus leaves. The mother passes on the necessary micro-organisms through a special form of her droppings. (poop) which give the joey what it needs to digest the leaves. It will eat the mother’s droppings for about a month before it emerges from the pouch and starts eating leaves on its own.

Caution: The high amount of ketones in this essential oil make it toxic to the nervous system in high doses. Never take this oil internally.

Eucalyptus Smithii:

Is the most mild of the many eucalyptus varieties. It’s the best eucalyptus oil for children and those with scent sensitivities. It’s the least toxic to nervous system, so it can be used for longer periods of time.

General Properties: Is stimulating to the nervous system. It’s highly antiseptic, antiviral, antispasmodic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory. It’s a decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, and vermifuge-meaning expels worms.

Use for: Insect repellant, deodorizer, disinfectant, stimulates white blood cell activity. It’s good for arthritis, rheumatism, lung and sinus congestion, asthma, fever, flu, poor circulation, sore muscles and joints, sprains and strains. It helps ease headaches. It treats gallstones, cholera, emphysema, malaria, measles, typhoid, and throat infections. It helps decrease glucose for Diabetics: It treats urinary tract infections, infectious disease, burns, blisters, cuts, sores and ulcers. Use in room sprays where people are sick. It helps bring fevers down when used in cool compresses to the head. It was used for tuberculosis historically


Eucalyptus Globulus:  Known as “Tasmanian Blue Gum” in Australia.

It is either rectified (filtered) or totem (closest to natural): Is the most popular variety. It has a strong camphorus scent. It may be overwhelming to sensitive individuals. It’s good for: Respiration, treating viruses , and cough expectorant. Use it for urinary tract infections, insect bites, and sinus complaints.

Skin Care/Hair Care:  It’s cleansing, purifying, treats acne, ulcers and skin eruptions. It can be used to treat herpes simplex 1 and 2 and chicken pox. For staph infections use with tea tree and lemon grass.

Eucalyptus General Properties: It’s antiseptic and deodorizing and used in mouthwashes. It relieves pain and tension and is used in many muscle liniments.

Emotional Properties: It’s calming, sedative, emotionally balancing. It can also be energizing with peaceful undertones so it acts as a tonic with the effect the body needs most. It clears the mind for increased focus and concentration. Use it for increasing retention of material when studying. Use for jet lag. This scent increases brainwave activity.

Perfumery/Blending: It’s a top note, blends well with lemon, lavender, thyme, rosemary, pine and other coniferous scents.

Organ/Meridian: Lungs, and bladder. It works on the adrenal glands to ease adrenal fatigue.

Skin Care: It’s balancing to the skin and has mild antiseptic qualities. It’s great for an uplifting scalp massage.

Studies on Eucalyptus Essential Oil:

  1. Eucalyptus Citriodora was studied against resistant forms of Tuberculosis. Eucalyptus was found to contain 32 airborne anti-TB compounds. The study showed the effect against resistant TB was greater than 90%. (Airborne antituberculosis activity of Eucalyptus citriodora essential oil. Institute for Tuberculosis Research and ‡Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago , 833 South Wood Street, Chicago, Illinois 60612, United States.)

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Government site: Excellent Source for many studies on Essential Oils   To find a study put in the search the name of the Essential Oil “Ex: “Studies on Eucalyptus Essential Oil”.

More information about Eucalyptus 

Great facts about how to save the Koala

An Aromatherapy Library of Articles on Essential Oils

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