To give yourself the benefits of a monthly massage?
Many of you set goals for your body in January. Most people abandon those goals by the middle of the month. Is this loving to yourself? So many people have disappointing Valentine’s days and don’t have someone to love them and give them a Valentine signifying their love.
On Valentine’s day, I had a client bring in her daughter and treat both of them to a relaxing evening of spa and massage treatments. She said she was going to make it an annual Valentine tradition. Sometimes it’s best to love yourself first and then share the love with others.
Show yourself that your health, well-being, and relaxation are a way of loving yourself.
Join my Monthly Massage Club. It is a way to love yourself every month. I offer a $15. Discount off the normal price of $70, to make caring for yourself affordable.
When I started business in 1989 I charged $55. Now with 28 years experience this is a steal!
If you join in February you can get the first massage for $45.00 –a $25. Discount. All massages after that will be $55 per month for an hour massage.
Click Here For More Details About the Monthly Club.
Call me to join the Monthly Club at: 253-838-3336
Benefits of Massage:
(These are some of the ways massage benefits your body):
Interrupts the pain/spasm cycle found in injured muscles
Increases circulation and the removal of cell waste
Relieves pain and increases mobility
Increases lymphatic circulation to reduce swelling and increase overall health
Speeds recovery from injury
Reduces stress that is often associated with an injury and chronic pain
Helps scars to heal in the direction of soft tissue fibers which results in less scarring and less chance of re-injury
Decreased anxiety
Enhanced sleep quality
Greater energy
Improved concentration
Increased circulation
Reduced fatigue
Research Shows That With Massage:
Arthritis sufferers note fewer aches and less stiffness and pain.
Asthmatic children show better pulmonary function and increased peak air flow.
Burn injury patients report reduced pain, itching, and anxiety.
High blood pressure patients demonstrate lower diastolic blood pressure, anxiety, and stress hormones.
Premenstrual syndrome sufferers have decreased water retention and cramping.
Preterm infants have improved weight gain, better digestive function, less colic, and less body tension from being in the womb.
People suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D) report significant relief from anxiety, depression and Stress. It also relieves the body aches associated with this condition. See the full article here
Sources: www.Massagetherapy.com, www.Integrativehealthcare.org
Have You Been in a Car Accident?
Many people get into car accidents this time of year with the difficult weather. If you get injured in a car accident your Personal Injury Protection on your car insurance will cover massage with a referral/prescription from an MD (your primary care or urgent care doctor) or Chiropractor.
Even though you may be receiving chiropractic care, you are not obligated to see their massage therapists on staff. Legally you have the right to choose the massage therapist you want. Don’t be pressured into seeing someone with less experience when you already have a massage therapist to work with. I have 28 years injury massage experience.